Christmas Greetings from Around the World…
What a blessing it has been to open my email and receive greetings from around the world–Nicaragua, Albania, Nigeria, the Philippines and many others. These are countries, communities and lives which are being touched by the Good News that Jesus has come to transform lives and change communities. He has come that we might have life and have it more abundantly! Take a look at some of the photos which I received below and read some of the stories.
Caleb and Eunice Urbina serve communities in Nicaragua. I could not help but start with a picture they sent of a baby opening a Christmas gift! Would you pray for this young family as they serve communities in Nicaragua?
Caleb will be sharing during our online prayer meeting on March 3rd, 8am Arizona time! Let me know if you would like to join us during this prayer time!
May God richly bless the CHE Albania Team and Agron Aga, pictured far left, who lead this team. They have served faithfully and are making inroads to new areas with CHE including Macedonia and the Ukraine. Please pray for this team!
Prayers are appreciated for our Representative Council Chairman, Dayo Obaweyo, and his wife Tope, as they serve in Nigeria. Pray for the upcoming internship which will take place in February.
“May our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God our Father, who loved us and, in His grace, gave us eternal courage and a good Hope, fill your hearts with courage and make you strong to Do and Say all that is Good”- II Thessalonians 2: 6-7Some words in the verses are propelling us as we enter the New year. We hope it does for you as well. These include:
“God loves us”- You and me. A needed reminder that nothing can separate us from His Love. He extended it to us. No power can stop Him from delivering it.
We have eternal courage”- Lasting courage that comes from him to move ahead in the new year.
“A GOOD HOPE”. Halleluiah! We are holding on to this assurance. We will expect it daily and pursue our goal for the year 2022 because we have a good hope.
“FILL”. No room left for distraction. We are totally sold to Him. Our time, life, ways, thoughts, etc. occupied for every good work.
“Make you STRONG”. Strength is the tool needed in our weaknesses. We will overcome! The three Hebrews men (Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego) had inner strength to respond to threats, conspiracies and disgrace and were provided for by God when it was needed. That led to fruitful evangelism.

Finally, please pray for our friends in the Philippines. We heard from Rhodora Mendoza, the CHE Coordinator in the Philippines that a powerful typhoon which cut off all communication systems, all basic utilities are down and even their water system. She was somehow able to email me via her phone. Pray for communities as they rebuild.