I had no idea how deep the impact he was having on the lives of people.
-Dr. Hugo Gomez
Dr. Hugo Gomez spoke these words about his colleague, Jose Pio Carreta, a fellow Community Health Evangelism Trainer in Guatemala that went to be with the Lord last week. More than 3,000 people from villages all around came to his funeral, a tribute to his life and work. City Hall in San Juan donated his coffin, and it took more than 400 pick up trucks to transport the crowd. Join us in praising God for his life, and praying for his family and colleagues who mourn his loss. See more in this photo album on Facebook.
CHE trainers doing evangelistic campaigns in three gypsy villages in Hungary
Pray for Laci, Eszter, Jozsef, Kata, Hessel, and Kalman as they carry out this campaign and follow up afterwards. Pray that many Roma Gypsies will become followers of Christ. Click here for more information about this ministry.
Eric Dalrymple, Blake Williams, and Josiah Vasquez ask prayer for South Sudanese partners
Eric, Blake, and Josiah just finished CHE training for South Sudanese partners. They ask for prayer as these men return to refugee camps in Uganda and to villages in war torn South Sudan to resume their ministries.
We’ve built a website just for you! Check out our new personal website, an address to which you can go at any time for an update.
Terry dedicates Lifetime Achievement Award to Jeannie
In June, Medical Ambassadors International honored me (Terry) with a “Lifetime Achievement Award”. You can read about it in the summer edition of Healing Lives magazine. It is certainly too soon to say that I have finished my course, but I am grateful for the honor bestowed by friends and colleagues.
It would be dishonest to accept an award like this without recognizing the one who has been, and will be, my co-worker for life. I dedicate this award to you, Jeannie Dalrymple. You have been there with me in the midst of every storm, provided encouragement to face every trial, celebrated every victory, and worked with patience and perseverance to make it possible for me to travel and train. We have exalted His name together. You are the one who deserves this award, and I am forever grateful that God brought us together to serve him as one.
I also want to take this opportunity to thank each of you who have partnered with Jeannie and me in ministry – praying, giving, empowering, and encouraging us. And I want to express my sincere appreciation to all of my colleagues at Medical Ambassadors who continue to serve with vision, passion, self-sacrifice, and competence.
What if the Lord wanted to use you to help reach the last of the unengaged peoples on earth?
God is giving us the opportunity to help mobilize the church globally to take the good news of the kingdom to some of the poorest on earth who are still outside the reach of the Gospel. Through our Million Village Challenge initiative, we have begun the process of mobilizing the church into a million villages inside the 10/40 window. In the process, we believe we have the opportunity to finish the task among the un-engaged – taking the Gospel to the last of the people groups living in marginalized areas without a Gospel witness among them. For more information about this initiative, click here.