Testimony of Hilary Njovo, CHE Trainer, Zambia
At first, when I did not know CHE, I had no knowledge of health issues… I lost my two children – one died of Kwashiorkor (malnourishment), and one died of a boil that was mishandled (not cleaned well which led to infection). If I had known about CHE earlier, I would not have lost my two children. There are a lot of preventable diseases that kill people every day, and when we bring information about health education, many lives are being saved. I am now able to keep my family healthy.
The CHE program is very, very important. I use CHE in my home, with my relatives, and in the community. CHE is very good to use personally. It has helped me a lot. When I started CHE, I was only grade 9. As I received CHE training, and I saw the need for improvement in my education. So I went back to school, while still working and supporting the family, and finished grade 12.
(Spiritually), I was a baby, not mature enough when I joined CHE. After receiving CHE training, I had the opportunity to study the Word of God and keep myself in prayer, and that helped me grow spiritually.
What I have in mind in my heart for the CHE program is supporting people in need. I am planning to reach out my hand to the poor. I was once in a condition of need in which I could not help myself. I encountered a number of problems. Now, since I am grown up, I am able to help my family. But there are others who still need help.
I have acquired a piece of land within Lusaka rural. I took some time to see if my vision can be realized. If I am to bring my vision into reality, I have to take the first step and build a training structure and a school. Empowerment must be incorporated with education. This center will serve as an example for many other centers that need to be built across the country with community participation in the same way the first one will be built.
Meet the founder of CHE Zambia
Lovemore Zulu, the founder of CHE Zambia, has built a nationwide ministry using public transport and with little access to outside resources. His ministry is touching the lives of nearly 200,000 people.
While we were together, Lovemore casually mentioned that 350 Muslims had come to Christ in the east of the country. I asked him to tell me the story. He spent 2 weeks in dialogue with the Imam in a Muslim community, teaching him using CHE moral values lessons. The Imam did not come to Christ, but opened the door for Lovemore and his team to work in the community. Lovemore spent two more weeks in the community instructing the people and went home to Lusaka. Three days after his arrival in Lusaka, he received word from his trainer that the headman had come to Christ, and with him 350 members of the community. Pray for wisdom and strength as his team seeks to follow up this people movement and disciple those who professed faith in Christ.
Prayer requests
- Pray for 493 unengaged unreached people groups with populations of 10,000 or more, that God will use our network to establish CHE ministries in those places.
- Pray for the expansion of the work in Zambia throughout South Africa.
- Pray for Risen Lord Christian Fellowship in Iloilo, that God will continue to use them to multiply churches throughout their region.
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